Fabiana Martone
Living In Shadows And Light
the new album by Fabiana Martone
LIVING IN SHADOWS AND LIGHT is an album entirely dedicated to Joni Mitchell and her production of the late seventies: in this period she approached jazz and played with musicians of the American jazz and fusion scene.
I recorded a selection of 7 songs making a choose among some of the most significant ones from albums like "Mingus", "The hissing of summer lawns"... like Joni Mitchell did in her concert "shadows and light".
And in a fluid and natural way I collected sensations and suggestions around these songs until I decided to call my album "living in shadows and light" to underline how I lived in the past few months of my life, guided by Joni' s words and sound.
I also tried to re-interpret the tunes by arrangements made in collaboration with the musicians with whom I shared this fabolous three days of live recording session.
The songs included in "Living in shadows and light ":
Shadows and light
In France they kiss on main Street
God must be a boogie man
Edith and the kingpin
Goodbye pork pie hat
Last chance lost
Luigi Esposito - piano
Francesco Fabiani - acoustic and classic guitar
Umberto Lepore - double bass
Marco Castaldo - drums
This songs are rcorded at “le nuvole studio”, Cardito – Napoli
Sound engineer – Paolo Alberta
Mix by – Umberto Lepore
Master – Marco Lincetto Velut Luna Studio
LABEL - Inner Circle Music, Inc.
The musicians of
Living In Shadows And Light

Pianista, compositore e arrangiatore, ha all’attivo diversi lavoridiscografici (Quartieri Jazz – ‘e strade ca portano a mare – Graf music 2013, Marco D’Anna – la mela – 2014, Ajar – Ajar – dodici lune 2015, Emanuele Ammendola – Migra’ – 2015, Quartieri Jazz – le quattro giornate di napoli – 2016, Dolores Melodia – fino all’ultimo suspiro – 2017). “Ajar” in particolare e’ un progetto di cui luigi e’ fondatore e autore di tutte le musiche. collabora come pianista e arrangiatore in moltissimi altri progetti di altri artisti napoletani (“devoti a viviani”, Gianni Lamagna, Joe Amoruso, Daniele Sepe e molti altri)
Luigi esposito
Francesco Fabiani

Umberto Lepore

bassista e contrabbassista.
Le sue prime esperienze musicali sono nell’ambito punk e post rock. Collabora nel tempo con: Claudia Sorvillo, Andrea Cassese, Corde Oblique (tour europeo - Germania, Francia , Belgio, Olanda, Albania); Crossroad Improring (collettivo napoletano d'improvvisazione radicale), Improvvisatori Involontari, Lisa Mezzacappa, Franco Ferguson, Forefront (gruppo di cui e’ fondatore insieme con Jack D’ Amico e Marco Castaldo), l’Orchestra Elettroacustica Arti Soniche (diretta dal maestro Elio Martusciello), trio per due contrabbassi ed elettronica Grieco-Martusciello-Lepore, Ajar, Oportet, Sadhana, Gino Giovannelli quintet, Guru. I suoi lavori discografici sono: forefront - “chaos magnum” – 2014; ajar quartet – ajar - dodicilune – 2015; sadhana – sadhana - plus timbre – 2017; The Stones of Naples - Prikosnovenie - Francia – 2009, A Hail of Bitter Almonds" - Prikosnovénie - Francia - 2010, Per le Strade Ripetute - Prikosnovénie – 2013.
Marco Castaldo